Package Description

The 2022 Virtual Fall Conference Series was recorded in the September and October of 2022.

The Fall Educational Conference Series will include 5 sessions of two educational sessions worth 2 CEUs for on demand registrants.

Attendees can register for the session's individually for 2 CEUs or for the full conference series which includes a total of 10 CEUs.  The CEUs will be automatically sent upon completion of the on demand session.

Upon completion of registration you will receive immediate access to the sessions to complete.  The CEUs will be distributed after each session via email.  If you miss the live presentation you will automatically have access to your courses on the LMS with your registration.

The agenda is as follows:

Session 1 – RECORDED on August 19, 2022 - Social Determinants of Health

Presentation 1:
Speaker:  Phil Goyeau, Healthcare Solutions Executive, 3M
2022 Presentation Title: Social Determinants of Health, HCCs and Z-Codes

Summary:  Social Determinants of Health have become increasingly important in terms of value-based care and have become a high priority for payers and government entities.  Z-codes are used to capture data on the social needs of their patient population which identify non-medical factors that can have a profound impact on the well-being of your patient population.  While HCCs will continue to be the foundation for population health-based reimbursement, new approaches to Health Equity have driven added coding requirements around Z-codes.  This session will:

*Review Social Determinants of Health and how factors such as health literacy, inadequate housing and inequalities in accessibility to health care can drive poor patient outcomes.
*Revisit HCCs part of the foundation for managing patient's chronic disease burdens and how providers are reimbursed to care for these populations.
*Review Z-codes which are the ICD-10 encounter reason codes used to document Social Determinants of Health data.
*Discuss changes in technology and artificial intelligence being developed to adapt to changes in coding requirements.

Attendees will have a better understanding of how Health Equity plays a major part around patient outcomes, how HCCs continue to be the foundation for reimbursement around population health and how Z-codes help tell the whole patient story.

Presentation 2:  
Speaker:  Kimberly Conner
, BSN, CCDS, CCDS-O, CDI Education Specialist, ACDIS
Understanding and Capturing SDOH: CDI and Coding Collaboration
Summary:  This session will cover why it is important to capture SDOH and the challenges in capturing the diagnosis code(s), locating them in the record and documentation and developing a process between CDI and Coding.

Session 2 –RECORDED on August 24, 2022 – Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity

Presentation 1:
Speaker:  John Glaser, PhD, Executive in Residence, Harvard Medical School
Title:  The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the Healthcare Workforce

Major technology innovations, such as flight, the internal combustion engine, and the Internet, have had a dramatic impact on the workforce. Jobs have been created and jobs have been lost. New skills become required and previous skills became obsolete.  Artificial intelligence (AI) will have a significant impact on healthcare. Will AI adoption lead to job loss and job creation? Will AI require significant retraining of existing staff?  While the adoption of AI is in its early stages, the outlines of the workforce ramifications of the technology can be seen. This presentation will discuss the potential workforce consequences and steps that health care providers can take to ensure that they prepare their workforce for this future.


Presentation 2: 
Speaker:  Jigar Kadakia, Chief Information Security and Privacy Officer, Mass General Brigham
Title:  Managing Cybersecurity Risk across Healthcare’s Evolving Landscape

As we are being asked to adjust where and how we work, Mass General Brigham’s cybersecurity challenges continue to evolve.  Join Mass General Brigham’s CISPO, Jigar Kadakia as he discusses what this means across the broad landscape that makes up our community of users including patients, workforce members and our vendor community.

Session 3 – RECORDED on August 31, 2022 – Coding

Presentation 1:  (2 hours - 2 CEUs)
Presenter:  Scot Nemchik, CCS, CRC, CLSSS - Vice President Coding Education and Continuous Improvement, CRI Solutions, Ciox Health

Title:  ICD CM & PCS Updates

Session 4 – RECORDED on September 14, 2022– Compliance and Denials

Presentation 1:
Title:  What “They” Think We Know About Medicare Just Because We Work In Healthcare
Presenter:  Virginia Gleason, CPHRM, CCM, CDIP is a Senior Manager of Advisory Services at Saviswta
When Providers know or are reasonably expected to know a service is not covered by Medicare, the patient has to be provided notice of the non-coverage in advance of the service. If Medicare has published the coverage rule in any of its publications and/or on its website we are “reasonably expected” to know and “should” know. It is hard enough for providers to keep pace with all of the Medicare coverage requirements but do we even know if Medicare coverage rules apply to this patient? Well, that depends on the patient’s Medicare plan type.

Before we can decipher the coverage rules, we have to know the difference between Medicare A, B, C and D along with coverage limitations under each section. Just because we work in healthcare, it doesn’t mean we know all of the details related to Medicare coverage and patient responsibility.

In this session, we’ll cover the Medicare knowledge that is key to all things compliance, coverage and denials. What does it mean to be a Participating Provider and when to Medicare’s rules extend beyond Medicare beneficiaries.

Presentation 2:  
Title:  The Power of Data: Using Analytics to Reduce Denials
Presenter:  Matt Vargocko
is a healthcare professional with over 14 years’ experience in the field of HIM, Revenue Cycle, Analytics and Consulting
Healthcare organizations accumulate large amounts of data on a daily basis. Having a clear, holistic picture of your revenue management data using analytics is an effective tool in the reduction of denials. Data is power. Data analytics allows for the identification of problem areas and insight to determine the appropriate modification to internal processes. In this session, learn how to make data work for your organization, steps to implement a denials program, and how analytics can transform your revenue management.

Session 5 – RECORDED on September 23, 2022–DEI&I and Health Informatics

Presentation 1:
Presenter:  Varda Say, Founder and Lead Envisionary at N'Vizhn

Where we all were the day the DEI world imploded. The day we lost our innocence. The day we opened our eyes to belonging. How it affected us all. Now what? Let's explore.


Presentation 2: 
Title:  Healthcare Informatics: Careers and Techniques for Modern Computational Healthcare
Presenter: Jim Hoover, Adjunct Professor, M.S. Health Informatics Program, Charter Oak State College and Principal Consultant
Summary: Healthcare technologies are rapidly changing. Now more than ever, healthcare information professionals have deeper opportunities to explore the information technology (IT) side of healthcare. Data analytics, tool development, process improvement, algorithmic bias detection and remediation, machine learning, and other opportunities are available for those who wish to do more with technology.  This session outlines healthcare informatics and potential career paths utilizing these various technologies.

All session options can be found below by clicking on the option to register.  After you complete the payment you have immedicate access to the sessions you purchased on our LMS.


Pricing for these virtual education session separately- for a total of 2 CEUs
40.00 for Members; 
65.00 for Nonmembers; 
25.00 Emeritus and 
10.00 Student


Pricing for the full 5 sessions of the series- for a total of 10 CEUs
175.00 for Members; 

200.00 for Nonmembers; 
120.00 Emeritus and 
25.00 Student

Register here today for access to this on demand content.

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